FreeVoipDeal is a free VoIP application that allows you to make free and extremely cheap telephone calls all over the world and thereby save your money on phone calls. In addition, there is a special offer for some destinations, such as Egypt, Serbia, Iran, Ukraine, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. You can use 240-minute package and call for 10 Euro a month. FreeVoipDeal is completely customizable. When you install the program, you can set it to suit your needs. It is possible to connect and log on to FreeVoipDeal network, test your Internet connection and audio devices (speakerphone and sound devices) and make a free test call to verify these settings. Then you can specify call settings: forward your calls, use Phone-to-Phone feature, notifications and hotkeys. You can also set a Privacy option to allow calls from anyone or from the people who are on your contact list only. You can also add, search, archive your contacts, as well as sort and organize them alphabetically or by the online status. FreeVoipDeal supports up to 13 languages. It is also possible to load your custom language file.
Comments (1)
But Free Voip Deal charges 0,01 per minute for normally free calls (fix numbers in Belgium).
I am very unhappy and do not know how to joint them to try to have my free calls!